About kickboxing
The following will give you a background on the art and sport of Kickboxing and the information that you will need to continue on your journey to attaining a 1st Degree Back Belt and beyond with FSK. The Kickboxing system is fully graded and you will progress through the grades as you become more proficient.
The sport of Kickboxing originated from the art of Karate-do. In 1974 the professional sport of full contact Karate emerged and become recognised as a sport and art, this being what we know today as ‘Kickboxing’. The sports first sanctioning body was the Professional Karate Association, these bringing standardised rules, recognised champions and television coverage. The first promotional show organised by the PKA attracted over 10,000 spectators and $20,000 in prize money.
The start of 1975 saw the increase in the numbers of sanctioning bodies for Full-contact Karate bouts and fighters. This has become common place in Kickboxing, Boxing and Karate and many other combat sports and Martial Arts. In 1978 the PKA become the official governing body for ‘Kickboxing’ both in America and Internationally.
The emergence of combat sports could be seen with Full contact Karate (Kickboxing) competitors change from one combat sport to another. From the 1980’s the art and sport of Kickboxing grew to what it is today a multi-national sport with organisations and World bodies.
The Kickboxing that you participate in will be fun, enjoyable and safe. You will learn all the techniques, combinations, pad training, counters and blocks that make kickboxing the popular pastime that is today.
The first lesson is free so we hope that you enjoy it and then you have a successful journey to your Black Belt 1st Degree.